Sunday, October 7, 2012

Tool organization day

With the "blizzard" behind us (we only got a dusting, but it was nasty weather Thursday and Friday), I decided it was time to organize all my tools. See, I've never been very organized in general, and my tools have definitely suffered. They have stayed in the unheated garage all winter in the past, and gotten separated or lost in several projects. With Big Red needing new tool purchases recently, and in the future, I decided it was time to gather everything up and try to get organized. Here's the "pile" as it sits.

That's an old Craftsman tool box I've had since I was a kid, and several boxes of tools that came up when my Father visited several weeks ago. There are still a few items that didn't fit in the box, so am considering my expansion options. Portability needs to be an option without a heated garage, but consolidation would be nice too.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Monday, October 1, 2012

A great family weekend

Originally, I had planned on trying out some new gas in a gas can this past weekend to try to get Big Red started, but other priorities took over, and I don't think I looked in the garage even once. After working most of the day Saturday, we had a great relaxing rest of the weekend enjoying time as a family, watching movies, working on my daughters music lessons, playing board games, and enjoying fall. I doubt that I'll get a chance to do much more in the garage before the weather takes a real turn for the wintery (by the end of the week, the "s" word makes its first appearance in the forecast and we'll have highs in the 40's), and that's fine by me. A few posts ago, I kind of summed up what had been accomplished in the short time I've had Big Red, and honestly, it's more than I expected to have done. Yeah, I planned on having the brakes fixed, and I had hoped to have the truck started at least once, but looking back, it's been a lot! Plus, the truck sat in a barn for 8 years before I got it - what's one more winter of waiting before getting fired up?

Tinkering under the hood