Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Starting off

The plan here is to document my restoration of a 1949 International KB-6 1.5 ton truck. I'm sending off a deposit tomorrow for the truck, and need to start figuring out how to get it the 2 hours home since it's not currently running. I'm exploring all options, but its large size is proving a problem... The plan to to bring it home next Saturday 8/18/12 and begin the work.

I also want to start with a thanks to my wife, who encouraged me to start this journey on restoring an old truck. She really just wanted me out of her hair, but it's given me a direction, and even though I drive her nuts with all the "check out this truck," or "see, the master cylinder is only going to cost $xxx to replace" emails, she knows that I love her. I also want to thank my new friend, Billy, who will be helping me with the mechanical work on this truck. I have always said that I should have paid more attention when my father restored his '68 Mustang when I was younger. Now I get to learn everything I should have learned back then, and from Billy. Sorry Dad. My Daughter, Anna says she wants to help. Hopefully she ends up more enthusiastic than I was back in the day.

The Craigslist photo

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